Invite each of your friends or customers to select their ten lottery lucky numbers.Choose which lottery you wish to play with (e.g. Euromillions draw is on a Friday evening so if you wish to play LotterySweep then, use that one).When a lottery draw is made, you input the drawn numbers to the app and it checks each players' lucky numbers. If they are lucky, hits are recognised and shown on the screen. You enter following draws into the app until one of the players have all ten hits. The app then calculates and displays the winnings and starts the next run.You set the stake, winning percentages (first, second and last), and if you allow credits.You can use the app for fund-raising by setting the total of winning percentages to less than 100%. e.g. setting first prize to 70%, runnerup to 15% and wooden spoon to 5% leaves you a margin of 10%!
Running the app to attract custom for a pub or club can be acheived by setting the credit marker to "no". This means that if a player has not paid his/her stake by the draw time (e.g.Saturday evening 7p.m) he/she does not get any hits creditted for that draw. Hence a busy Saturday evening as everyone makes sure they've paid up!
If your tablet runs under kitkat or later, you may print off the current 'state of play' at any time on your 'cloud enabled' printer.
A more detailed runthrough can be found on our web site